Social Wizard


Sincerity counts. Everything about you and your business has to be real to you. This is why our on-boarding process involves a deep dive into your brand, your goods & services and how you approach your business. The foundation of a good online presence is realness.

“Incorporate social into every aspect of what you do,” - Jordan Kretchmer, (founder & CEO, Carbon Robotics)

The online presence is critical to business today. It’s up there with the quality of your product and service, printed matter and the look of your physical location. Everything is combined to represent who and what you are.

“Be real. Take Risk. Share your realness” - Marc Zdanow (founder, Social Wizard)

People will either get it or they won't. This is the hard part… you will not connect with everyone and all people may not get you. This is the good part… the people you do connect with will really be connected and be more likely to become customers or ambassadors of your brand.

Excerpt from “The ROI Of Connection In A Social-Media CultureSandi Krakowski for Entrepreneur

To Tony Hsieh, CEO of, it doesn't really matter what's being sold. He's quoted as saying, "What matters is the experience of selling it -- and, of course, the customer's experience of buying it.”

So when you create your company, blog and message, ask yourself this critical question:  What experience am I providing my customers? How do I want them to remember me?

If you don’t know what kind of experience to create or how you want to serve, start with good old fashioned values. It pays every time. It also pays to keep close attention to your ideal client and what they are already saying. It's like "reading their mind" when you do this. They are online sharing what they want every single day.

The currency of connection is enormous, will create lasting value and help the bottom line, impact more lives, including your own, if you pay attention.
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